PA-PLAYA - May I suggest you buy a bottle of Absorbin Jr. too. That stuff numbs the surface and helps with minor aches and pains. It helped me get through a painful season of tendonitis and another season where I sprained my hand.

I haven't used it for a couple of years personally but it is in my bag and offered it up to a playing partner 2 weeks ago.

To me it's best to try different games than straight up stroke play golf. To me that gets old after a while.

Have fun!!

puttnfool Drive faster and the drive won't last as long.

depending on how long you have to stop to sign your speeding tickets................

    sdandrea1 Don't get caught. Speeding tickets (issued on highways and most other locations... there are few exceptions, but very few) are another form of unneeded government intrusion into our lives. They're nothing more than revenue generators.

    Drove 10 hours and decided to grab a room in Walterboro, SC. Got 5 hours left tomorrow. It’s been a fairly nice drive thus far, with only one major road construction that I had to endure (10 minutes).

    For those who don’t have the WAZE app - look into it. It’s a GPS smartphone app that utilizes user data to report accidents, major road construction delays and police speed traps.

    Gets great ratings and it’s free.🙂👍

    And it works. 😊

      Have fun and drive carefully. I'll be down next month and staying in Siesta Key - a little fishing and a little golfing and seafood eating with my brothers. Looking forward to it. Been a long time since the 4 of us have been together at the same time.

      Down here now. Golf trip to one resort was cancelled due to some courses having residual damage from the hurricane. So we are playing local courses around Port St. Lucie. Enjoying the super low rates right now.
      Have fun.


      How was the traffic when you came through Fredericksburg VA? The stretch between Exits 133, 130 and 126 are usually backed up (and famous for it).

        sdandrea1 It ain't just Fredricksburg. From northern Baltimore to just south of Fredricksburg is normally a parking lot.

        PA-PLAYA Have used Waze before. Maybe I just didn't use it enough to care for it, but I find that Google Maps is accurate enough for me for traffic.


        I avoid I-95 like the plague for as long as I can. So I take 81s to 77s, which pretty much helps avoid everything from DC to Richmond. It might take an hour longer on paper, but it’s actually quicker considering the traffic flow difference.

          PA-PLAYA Plus, the 81/77 route takes you through PA, MD (just for a split second), WV, and VA instead of driving for hours through communist MD just to sit in more traffic in VA. Very smart move.


          Brave, I hate 81! If states regulated trucks to 60 mph on it I don't think it would be as bad.

          I agree. Screw those truckers! They ain't got nowhere to be anyway. We don't need none of that junk they're hauling!

          8 days later


          As much as I like golf I'm only good for two days in a row. After that it feels like work. Give me a day off to do other things and I'm ready to go again.