PA-PLAYA Plus, the 81/77 route takes you through PA, MD (just for a split second), WV, and VA instead of driving for hours through communist MD just to sit in more traffic in VA. Very smart move.


Brave, I hate 81! If states regulated trucks to 60 mph on it I don't think it would be as bad.

I agree. Screw those truckers! They ain't got nowhere to be anyway. We don't need none of that junk they're hauling!

8 days later


As much as I like golf I'm only good for two days in a row. After that it feels like work. Give me a day off to do other things and I'm ready to go again.


    I agree. Had it been at my discretion - we would’ve played every other day, with perhaps a back-to-back round thrown in there somewhere for good measure.

    Instead - We played every single day, Saturday through Saturday. It’s been warm down here as well.... not used to playing more than 2X per week, certainly not accustomed to playing in 90* with humidity, and and not used to dealing with sore hips and tight back with 8 consecutive rounds. I was literally getting up 45 minutes earlier in the mornings just so I could shower, stretch and pray that I could get my ankle socks on without having a f**king aneurism. lol

    I survived though!

    But would’ve been much more enjoyable playing every other day imo.

    I am not in shape to deal with that many consecutive days of golf.

    But still glad I came down to play with my buddy. He was worth it. 🙂