She's within her rights to complain about some drunken obnoxious fans. Although, I would hope, she wouldn't paint all of the US fans with the same broad brush. It's usually just a handful of people, out of tens of thousands, who get boozed up and show their asses.
But it just comes across as sour grapes when a tour player's wife takes to social media to call out his fellow playing opponents for being too fiercely competitive. I found her comments about Daniel Berger not only out of line, but also indicative of her husband's lackluster performance. Sorry, Audrey... if you can't take you husband getting lit up over four days of golf - maybe you'd be better off staying at home and also staying off the computer.
I'm sure she's a remarkable lady, as is her husband... all they've been through the past few years indeed offers them a perspective that few of us could possibly relate to and both seem like classy people. And again - there is no place for boorish fan behavior, however small it might seem. They're not fans... they're drunken idiots who have no business being in attendance at a golf event of any sort.
But this is a sporting arena, with winners and losers. And unfortunately (for the internationals) they didn't just lose, but they got f-ing trounced, and posting about it several days later doesn't change the outcome.
No participation trophies handed out, unfortunately.
PS - just do away with this godforsaken event already. It's not even competitive. I felt just as bad for the International team as she did. What's the point?