Typhoon LBlack14 I've seen the Ping bag 😂 Yeah but I didn’t send Ping a picture and say the bag dry rotted, will you send me a new one😂😂😂😂😂
LBlack14 Typhoon Yeah but I didn’t send Ping a picture and say the bag dry rotted, You know somebody who did that? If it dry rot it then it's garbage and should have went back to ping anyways.
Typhoon LBlack14 No. my Ping bag was disintegrating like it was dry rot. It was from when the TISI driver came out. They like to put it in the proshop with a post it note on it and my name… and the put it in line with the staff bags that belong to our 3 pros🙄
Walterjn Typhoon you can probably keep up with them, so staff thinks you need a staff bag like the pros.
Par4QC Rex would just throw it in the garbage, where it belongs. Because Rex would not have spent a penny for it in that condition. And it, on all accounts, appears as garbage. 😉🤣
LBlack14 Par4QC Yeah well, Rex is a knucklehead @ times. Par4QC Rex would not have spent a penny for it in that condition. Who said I spent a penny on it, Rex? Us regular fucks still pick garbage.
Typhoon LBlack14 Regular fucks who buy 3 pairs of Oakleys a week?😂. Wish I was a regular fuck😁. You didn’t spend a penny on it… but you spent a bunch of pennies buying a dent repair kit for it. Plus your time.
LBlack14 Typhoon You didn’t spend a penny on it… but you spent a bunch of pennies buying a dent repair kit for it. Plus your time. Wrong again Blanche!! You bitter old Cow!! 🤣
LBlack14 Typhoon Regular fucks who buy 3 pairs of Oakleys a week? Regular fucks who hustle for play money. Have to spend it to make it. Believe me When I say, when it comes to Oakley, I'm smaaall time. You don't even know.😎
Rickochet I looked at your first post again. Your repair is going to stick out like a woody in sweat pants. 😜
Par4QC Rickochet Not if he does this..... https://www.parskins.com/collections/fairway-wood?filter.v.availability=1 Never tell the diff as long as he does a good job of repairing.
Rickochet Par4QC https://www.parskins.com/collections/fairway-wood?filter.v.availability=1 Never tell the diff as long as he does a good job of repairing. I wish him well. Post a pic when you get it done Landon.
Typhoon Par4QC https://www.parskins.com/collections/fairway-wood?filter.v.availability=1 Never tell the diff as long as he does a good job of repairing. They should have named it “Fore Skins”.