I hit the range yesterday morning. I got a large bucket, and worked my way through the bag. When I had about 60 balls left, I fired up the flightscope mevo, and hit 8 with my 3 wood just to start off. After that I went to town with my driver. I was working on swinging my driver as fast as possible. Aside from a few practice swings that it caught, I had only one swing under 100.
I had a small handful of shots make it out to 230 carry. Most were 215-220ish. I only had a small handful that were so poorly hit that they were under 200 yards, most were either topped, or almost skied.
A lot of the spin was probably side spin, as most sure went to the right, hard. The ones that went fairly straight had decent spin rates around 2-3k. I know, driver spin should be down around 2-2.5k, and not much higher. Then again, I've only been playing for 3 years, and I'm trying to get as much driver distance off the tee as I can. I've also noticed that the lowest launch angle that reached 230 was 12.8°, most were sitting right around 14°.
I WILL learn to read this data, and figure it all out...
After my range session, I went and played my little course. With a slight tailwind, I was able to get my 5 iron out to 200 yards. I didn't believe that the 1st wasn't a fluke, so I hit a 2nd and flew it just as far as the 1st one, just to the right by about 15 yards...