Par4QC When 'kids' are getting offers of $6M to stay in school and play football, but transfer to a different school, something just smells.
Ah, that's just your geezer talking. You'll eventually adjust. We'll just get to see how stubborn you are. LOL
Have you finally moved past Woody Hayes and 3 yards and a cloud of dust?
I don't get it. The it I'm referring to is this notion of "loyalty" and it extends into the 'job market' as well. Why expect loyalty when you don't give it, i.e., employers provide few perks for loyalty. Why should their employees? Why, with all the money the NCAA and respective schools from the tv contracts get all of that dough, when we're eons past the one and only perk of free tuition? Why should those - these gifted athletes risk their potential payday in the NFL when their "farm team" only profits off of them?