DonM My wife enjoys watching the PGA Tour. She hates the staggered start for the Championship. She’s a curmudgeon, haha.
Typhoon DonM Scheffler is really spinning his short irons. Too much. The TW irons do create a good amount of spin. Tiger specs… Tiger liked to work the ball =more spin
sdandrea1 azgreg I can't imagine Scheffler starting at -10 and not running away with the championship, especially the way he's playing. But, that's why they play the game. I'd like to see Hovland take it all. 👍
Rickochet Golf Channel coverage sucks donkey balls. All they show are the top contenders and seldom any of the other players like Morikawa and Schenk who shot lights out. They did the same last week when there were people on the bubble but we saw little coverage of them. 🤬
Stu1961 Rickochet How much more coverage of Rory’s back injury will we get? This is a first, right? Golfer with back issues?
Par4QC Stu1961 The 'post game' show was all Rory. And he sucked/sucks donkey balls. Hope he has to WD. The prick.
Par4QC Rickochet Thing about TW is he never bashed/bad mouthed anyone or anything. Still doesn't as far I've seen/read. Guess they don't teach manners in Ireland. And we know TW was/is polite, just look at the restaurants he eats in/out of. 🤣
Rickochet Par4QC Thing about TW is he never bashed/bad mouthed anyone or anything. Still doesn't as far I've seen/read. Guess they don't teach manners in Ireland. And we know TW was/is polite, just look at the restaurants he eats in/out of. FWIW I never bashed Tiger and was and still am a fan. 😛