Actually the polls weren't as far off as far as the popular vote went. Clinton beat trump by 2.86 million votes. Clinton got 48 percent to Trumps 45.9 percent. After the Comey letter she took a nose dive in the polls.
I forget what Nate Silver or Real Clear politics had on their last poll averages. But they had the popular vote correct with Hillary winning. And if you take the three states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin you could fit the margin of victory by Trump in the University of Michigan's football stadium (~77,000 votes combined).
It's amazing to me that Trump voters had their drawers in a knot for what effectively was Hillary taking her work home (email server). But Trump still has his personal cell phone and his campaign was in contact with Russia throughout the campaign and you hear crickets from Trump supporters.
Flynn was leading the chant LOCK HER UP!!! at the Republican convention and then he gets caught lying to the FBI about him talking to Russia about the sanctions. I guess he should be now chanting LOCK ME UP!!!
The Republicans spent millions trying to bring Hillary down with the email server and endless Benghazi hearings, but Trump's guy lies to the FBI and there's an investigation into the Trump campaign and the Russians and it's like nothing to see here.
If this were Hillary the Republicans would be going bat shit crazy going after her.