It used to be, years ago, that the media was an effective means of checks-and-balances, no matter which side was in power. But that was back when they reported actual news, before they hired opinionated mouthpieces with not even a shred of journalistic integrity. CNN used to be a very reliable news organization, years ago. You can't help but wonder what the fuck happened there now. A host, who plays mediator to no fewer than 6 blowhard mouthpieces, sitting at a round-table and going back and forth over whose opinion matters more? Please tell me that you don't consider this shit newsworthy! It is OPINION! It is NOT THE NEWS, no matter how loud they scream, no matter how emotional they get!
Divide and conquer. That's the goal.
Bernie Sanders... he wasn't my cup of tea, but undoubtedly the most honest, trustworthy candidate in the entire damned election primary campaign.
Now had he simply been railroaded by the political establishment he chose to represent, i.e. the democratic party, then that's nothing unusual. That's just the nature of politics, on both sides.
But it wasn't just the democratic machine working covertly to derail Bernie Sanders. No, they had lots of help, come to find out. The mainstream media were complicit. There is no denying that. It was even admitted, after the fact, after the details emerged. Debbie Wasserman Schultz took the fall, but rest assured that had Hillary won - she would've been given a cabinet position for her efforts.
So the next time you sit down to watch the news, just keep that in mind. You're not listening to someone reporting the news anymore, you're listening to someone report their opinions as fact. And yeah, occasionally they'll cite statistics and make all sorts of statistically-based arguments that seem airtight. But trust that there's an enormous degree of subjectivity, even when throwing out statistics. Statistics in this day and age are useless... they can be worded and conveyed in whatever way that best supports whatever argument needing to be made.
And that, my friends, should trouble all of us more than anything else. When you can no longer trust the information being reported, when it gets to the point where you feel compelled to verify information from no fewer than 5 different sources to find some means of legitimacy, then "that's not the way it is," with all due respect to the legendary newsman Walter Cronkite.
More aptly, as Edward Murrow used to say....
Good night and good luck.