Par4QC Ynotgolf This will take you into PayPal shipping. Should be as cheap, maybe cheaper than any place. UPS will be the best price, no doubt. I'm using them almost 99% now.
KCee Ynotgolf I only used it once for irons, but it was cheaper than anything else. I've been using it for shipping almost everything lately.
UnholyDefenestrator78 Par4QC LMAO. Paypal shipping cheaper than pirateship or shipstation Not a chance.
UnholyDefenestrator78 Par4QC And I have both their rates and dedicated shipstation commercial account holder rates. They are not as cheap.
Jelopster I shipped 7 irons from PA to WI for $11.86 a couple weeks ago with Pirate Ship (UPS was the carrier)
Par4QC OK guys.....I'm not signed up on Pirateship, and really don't want to, unless I know for sure that I can save money beforehand. But would like to compare a price, if someone would run it through. 46x8x5 box, 8#. From 61244 to 28269. Cost??
SMT Par4QC I'm not signed up on Pirateship, and really don't want to, unless I know for sure that I can save money beforehand. "Uhhh, guys, I really don't want to walk into that restaurant unless I KNOW that their spaghetti and meatballs is better than what I am eating right now... so... tell me EXACTLY what you taste in their meatballs and how is the pasta cooked?" Christ
Par4QC Jelopster I'll be signing up, I guess. 😅 But that was a rare size/weight ship for me. Try 11x7x5, 2#. From 61244 to 95991. I do a ton of these every week/month. (zip varies but this would be most cost)
UnholyDefenestrator78 Par4QC From me to that zip (I'm not changing my settings for you, but I'm farther than you are, so of course your rate would be cheaper)
LBlack14 Par4QC going through Paypal and comparing to going through Pirate ship, I've found their prices to be identical.
SMT Par4QC Just sign up. What the hell are you worried about, being micro chipped through your keyboard or is it just easier having the group take hold of your little tasks before YOU decide what is best for YOU!
Par4QC Jelopster Thank you, much appreciated!! 👍 Not a lot of diff there on the light/small boxes. Heavier/bigger is a different story though.
Sparky Usually I find Paypal and PirateShip to be about the same. Usually. Direct though USPS/UPS/FedEx is not usually as close. But anytime they don't match, it is because Paypal is higher. So, I use PirateShip unless I have a reason not to.
Par4QC Sparky Usually I find Paypal and PirateShip to be about the same From the prices Jelopster has posted for me, PirateShip shows lower than what I've been paying with Shipstation/PP. Not so much that I find I need to change things though. Only with heavier items perhaps. Which I'll be doing in a week or so. 😉
SMT Par4QC Not so much that I find I need to change things though. Only with heavier items perhaps. Which I'll be doing in a week or so. Well, y'all can now rest easy.
UnholyDefenestrator78 LBlack14 Wow, this is simply contrary to reality , or at least everything I've ever shipped. Consistently 10-15% difference.
UnholyDefenestrator78 LBlack14 Shipping this one out tomorrow , got bored and took some evidence. or which priority mail should I choose ??? hmmmmmmm