Yipsy Anyone expecting any prices to drop, is just not living in the real world today. Even if fuel costs would drop to 1960's levels, it would only mean more profit for those using it. Wages will not drop. Product pricing would not drop. Why should it, due to just the 1 thing??
If a company cannot take back your wage increase, why would they ever take back a price increase? And if they were able to take back wages, and prices dropped.....where would the line of relief fall where people are gaining in money in pocket vs. outgo??????
Plus, because people do not realize it, the gvt. has very strict regs on the trucking industry. And they are getting stricter. And it has caused slowdowns in delivery times, for the most part. Speaking here about OTR trucking, not delivery services.
So, fuel savings would really have no bearing on their prices. That is only a small part of it all.