PA-PLAYA So far be it from us to claim such a moral high ground that our own history suggests a dire struggle to attain.
History does show that we have always tried to expand human rights though. You're correct it has not been easy. Pretty damn hard actually. Like I said before sometimes it seems like it's one step forward and two steps backward.
But whether it be the fight to free people from subjugation, women's suffrage movement, civil / voting rights, workers rights, women's reproductive rights, the right to marry interracially, gay marriage rights etc..
We have in the end moved towards expanding human rights. And tried to make equality a real thing. It's been one hell of a struggle to live up to the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for everyone in this country though.
The difference again is that we have historically tried and despite periods of setbacks we keep fighting in favor of expanding human rights. And once a right is taken away it can take a long time to get those rights back.
In the case of reconstruction after we pulled federal troops out of the south in the late 1870's and reconstruction ended. It took close to 100 years to get those civil / human rights back for the people affected in the south.
Our history is full of terrible human rights abuses and atrocities. But we acknowledge them and learn from them and hopefully become better knowing our own history.
This is not the case in Saudi Arabia. Instead of making the choice to expand human rights and stop the atrocities they've decided to try and have their cake and eat it too.
They're trying to deceive everyone by using sports to appear to be what they are not. So there's a big difference between us and them regarding human rights. We've constantly kept trying to further human rights and they haven't.