Start a topic on non profits.😏 The PGA Tour is registered with the IRS as a business league and operates under a non profit status. Take it up with the IRS. 🙄
My post was in response to the talk of them moving to a guaranteed money model or some combination. If they were to do that they most likely would not be able to remain the non profit / charitable model that they currently operate under. Period.
Why? Because they’d have to cough up more in guaranteed money.😉 And they can’t compete with the Saudi money as it is.
Yeah, many charities don’t give as much of a dollar donated as you’d expect. What a revelation. Lol Really has nothing to do with the price of fish in this particular discussion though. Lol
But you get an A for trying to divert the discussion.😕
To summarize.
- Keep current purse structure per Tournament. No guaranteed money.
- Go to a guaranteed money model.