MidwayJ ....OR...to protect my image I would dip back into the old archives and dredge the past myself to make sure anyone who thought I wasn't a really good guy, did.
The truth is we don't know these guys. We get to see what they want us to see. That story is something he didn't want us to see. Does it mean he had a pattern of mistreating women prior and after or just the one isolated incident if indeed it happened that way?
The best course of action, to me, is to NEVER put anyone on a pedestal. There's simply no reason to do it. As you noted, we all are imperfect and none of us would want our worst stuff out there.
I truly hope he didn't do that and never did it prior or after.
Also, you're right...if you didn't do it you'd really want to talk about it to make sure everyone knew that you were incensed about it. He does react vociferously to these kinds of things. If we find out that he actually did take HGH, I think some of his past history will have to be filtered through that.