Fellas, believe what you want to believe. It's your prerogative. This story clearly represents what is wrong with society today - that some can't possibly enjoy a level of success without someone else with an ulterior motive searching endlessly through a closet that extends all the way back to the last century... to degrade and downplay his success all these years later. You might as well subpoena his elementary school teachers and make an informal query about his life not much after he was weened from his mother's teet, for Christ's sake.
The rest of us will look at this as what it most likely is... And if I need to explain that further, then there's really no reason to continue debating this.
The facts stand: this basically "allegedly" happened 20 years ago.
The case was riddled with here-say and he-said, she-said.
The "plaintiff" settled, undoubtedly because she was encouraged to do so by an attorney who understood the difficult nature of achieving a successful prosecution based on evidence, which is was the Gold standard then, and the Gold standard still today.
And 20 years later, this non story of a story pathetically finds itself in the headlines, not even a week after the biggest moment of the "alleged" perpetrator's career. Why? Because this same woman is named in a lawsuit, once again, 20-years after the fact for seeking additional compensatory damages for something that most likely couldn't have been proven the first time around 20 years ago.
The real shame here in all of this is that stories like this do a TREMENDOUS disservice to the real cases that exist... the real women who are exploited, the real victims, who aren't looking for lucrative "settlements" but for real justice.
This $hit almost meets the modern-day standard of extortion.
So spare me the political correctness, all the hoopla, all of the sensationalism. It's not going to change my perspective of what is obviously happening here.
It is as plain as day.
But you guys continue to have fun with this at your disposal. Like I said - it's your prerogative. My mind was made up based on the timing of all this alone, and I'm not gonna change my opinion.