Ack8236 isolated movement away from the crowd
It kills me when one of them is ready to hit, then stops to motion someone aside.......180 yds. down, behind the green.
Why are they looking at the green, while hitting the ball?
If movements/noises, whether sudden or subdued, affect them that much, I hope they never work around power equipment/tools.
I'm always aware of my surroundings on a course. If there is a road behind me, off the tee area. I know that.... and I know there may be a motorcycle or heavy truck pass by; it's not going to affect me at all. Because, I'm aware of it possibly happening. Same with a train track within earshot. Courses have noisy gas carts still. There is always noise on or around courses, even if you are the only one out there.
Tiger's Dad brought him up making all kinds of noises when he was swinging, but still, it affected him as a Pro.
Because he became an ass, like all of them, in that regard.