Release Costco is interesting to me....I have two good friends/coworkers that are quite liberal, buy local, can't stand Wal Mart and would not be caught dead in one ofthe stores, yet they are avid Costco shoppers....I realize Costco and WM are different, but it's still interesting to me. They rave about the products and savings. Have they made a difference like you are suggesting they will do in the ball market, in any other market? Curious?
I still dont see the big guys changing their price structure significantly, why would they, ? No way they can adjust price enough to come even close to the Costco ball. I don't see them as competition anyway, as most follow what the pro,s play and then there are golfers like us, wrx, etc. Who are kinda on the fringe and techy, knowledgeable more so then the avg now golfer, at least about gear and especially about being a ho for gear. We are in the minority.
IMO this hurts Snell, Vice, MG, etc. And if they do have an impact it will be to squeeze these guys out, which would be a shame really.