I've used nice variety of high loft drivers the last couple of years -- Powerbilt Air Force One N7 14, Alpha RX High Launch, SMT AF460 12, along with assorted minis like the SLDR 14, Acer XV Mini, PowerPlay Brassie, an old TM 320ti, and lower lofted 3 woods: Tour Edge XCG-5 11.5, Callaway 3 Deep, Ping Rapture -- gee maybe my wife is right and I have too much golf stuff. And I often carry at least two of these choices in the bag -- a higher loft driver plus a mini or 3W. My regular course only has six holes where extra yardage off the tee beyond 220-230 really helps me, so I use a hybrid on three shorter par 4s, and 3W or 4W on four other holes. But I'm finally allowing myself to bring driver down under 45" and it's working better. Now I'm on the lookout for a heavier head I can try at about 44". Gotta keep dreamin'