Subsonic and I are starting our own vintage golf league. So far it's 2 guys. The rules require wooden-headed woods, no hybrids, pre-1980 forged irons and pre-anser style putter. We plan to play outings with these old stix and possibly apparel. I'm all set in the woods putter department.

I am looking to buy a set of pre-1980 forged irons. Of course I want MINT and CHEAP, but will consider all offerings. Watchya got boyz?


    I snagged a Sam Snead Wilson 4w today for $3 and a Tony Penna persimmon driver for $12. I would like to find a persimmon or laminate high lofted wood - 20* or more - help?

    Wait, what? Never opened? Talk to me!


      I would give you one but my legs are so bad I cannot get to them at this time. If you live close by you can dig for it.


        Thank you and sorry to hear it Steve. I live in VA/FL, so......................

        Bangoman True story. All wrapped nicely. 653's. 693's name it....I got it. Everyone onhere knows the story.

        I believe it. Motherload stash. Too bad I'm not on the left coast. Let me know if any of the stuff gets reacheable?


        How would you know if the loft was 20 or more? I've never seen those type(old) clubs with lofts, nor do any of my old books/catalogs show such things.

        Aside from that, if you need a 2 ironπŸ˜‰......I got several. Snead Blue Ridge is among them.
        Have a Spalding "Big John" driver, nearly unused.
        Have Lynx 1,3,5 woods...heads are great condition.
        Putters.....a few of the older, some with the illegal 'bulge & waist' grip.

        I do have a set of irons somewhere around here......MacGregor MT, 2-10. I put new grips on them a few years ago, put them in an old(but damn nice) MacGregor bag(w/hood) zipped them up and never took them out. Actually, they are in really good condition, even the shafts.

        Hell, I've even got some old balls from the 60's/70's some place here. I could deck someone out with a full set of oldies, balls inc.. BUT.....😎it might cost them a decent dime. Or 2.

        Keep in mind fellas, these old clubs can be extremely dangerous to use if they have been just stored away for long periods. You need to pull grips and check inside those shafts real close....tons of rust and they with snap/shatter in the wink of an eye. And go through those eyes!! Be damn careful.


          I can see them from where I'm sitting now. Give me a while and I'll see if I can dig them out. Just been clearing everything in the basement into that storeroom so the wife and do her 'Christmas thing' in MY basement.

          Bag? What about the bag??? Damn costly to ship, I know, fits the irons.


            Send all the pics you want. Bag, irons, Lynx woods, putters. Then we can chat. πŸ˜‰

            No hurry BTW. I had knee surgery last Monday.


              ahhh, well, there ya go. I'll need some time anyway, and they've never been up for sale, so you'll be the 1st to see them. I'll drag them out before the tree goes up and set up the "studio".

              Wife is up for knee replacement in the next couple months....just had the other one operated on a couple weeks ago. Doin great, with that one.

                Par4QC ahhh, well, there ya go. I'll need some time anyway, and they've never been up for sale, so you'll be the 1st to see them. I'll drag them out before the tree goes up and set up the "studio".

                Wife is up for knee replacement in the next couple months....just had the other one operated on a couple weeks ago. Doin great, with that one.

                Thanks Rex. Looking forward to the pics. Knee replacement is a pretty standard procedure now. Same cutter that replaced my right shoulder 3 years ago did this knee replacement (partial) as well. I'm up and on it 7 days later. Drove the car today since I am off the narcotics. He says I can return to the golf course in 6 week.


                It's not like these will be my gamers. These clubs will be used ocassionally when our "league" decides to take them out. I won't find many offerings in this area with soft/sight shafts. πŸ˜‰


                Speedy recovery for your wife...... guess you're running outside and inside of the house for awhile ?