Sneakylong Playing close to 7900 yards with wind. Going to play long. Doubt a 10 capper could break 100 from the tips. Might not be able to break 110.
Spuzz Dufner and Bradley on the first page of the leaderboard (1+2 as I type this) Been a while since that happened.
DonM Spuzz I was just going to ask if anyone saw that. I LOL'd last evening when it was happening. I wonder if there would be a penalty for that? Maybe a fine.
Spuzz DonM I wonder if there would be a penalty for that? Fine for sure. No idea how much. There should be a fine for Rory and Koepka for dorkish behaviour, imo.
sdandrea1 Spuzz There should be a fine for Rory and Koepka for dorkish behaviour, imo. They rehearsed that for hours and then NAILED it!
Spuzz Good natured Rahm just smacked a microphone. Announcers discussing who bills him for it LOL Maybe Twitter will have something later...