sdandrea1 Possibly my best dollar-to-condition purchase. These are almost the nicest set I own and they were built in 1999. Paid $19.99 plus tax!!!
Spuzz sdandrea1 candukid He's living there with me.............I have a fondness for the classics. 8*) NTTAWWT I didn't like the brown colour so I passed. I prefer shiny chrome and satin finish like my old Cleveland TA4 , the Evo 31's, Mizuno MP33 etc
LBlack14 Spuzz I prefer shiny chrome and satin finish like my old Cleveland TA4 , the Evo 31's, Mizuno MP33 etc
Bangoman Spuzz Yes Par. But Wilson must have changed the proto or just randomly submitted....big error there.
Spuzz LBlack14 Those are nice but they are a bit busy for me. Plus they have some sort of defect stamped into them. 😉
LBlack14 Spuzz Yeah, that was done by the re-finisher unbeknownst to me. Was never asked for, but hey.....
LBlack14 DC300 I always drooled over the Evos, never bought a set for some dumb reason. Never too late. I come across them all the time....CHEAP!