Olde Homestead, which is a mile from my house, had their fall 8-inch cup tournament today. They go out as 8-somes (two 4-man teams) to help prevent cheating. Played in it for a couple years until it finally dawned on me that spending 6+ hours watching 7 guys four and five-putt from 30 feet, in frigid temps no less, was no longer my idea of fun.
I drove by there today on my way to the grocery, as one of the greens is visible near the main highway... the snow was flying like crazy. None of it was sticking, but it was windy as hell and they looked absolutely miserable.
Why on earth anyone would host such a big event this time of year is beyond me, but they always do. And for whatever reason - it's most always a packed event with two 4-man teams on every hole.
I love golf, and I love playing in 8-inch cup tournaments. But not that much.