sdandrea1 Yipsy I'm not happy about the election results, but that's pretty funny 🤣 The good news is the war in Ukraine will be over "in 3 days" 😎😉
Yipsy It's nice to turn on the TV, open your laptop or jump on your phone and not see a political ad. Everybody wins.
sdandrea1 Yipsy It's nice to turn on the TV, open your laptop or jump on your phone and not see a political ad. Everybody wins. Finally...,........😀
professor I really want to sit in a hard, cold porcelain tub, stuck out on the beach. Yeah, not so much.
sdandrea1 professor I really want to sit in a hard, cold porcelain tub, stuck out on the beach. Yeah, not so My thoughts the very first time I saw that commercial. 🙄
Typhoon sdandrea1 You have to wonder who thought up that ad, who said, Ultraboom that makes sense, and got paid for the idea. Plus… along the way why wasn’t there anyone who said, “ this is dumb”.
johnnydoom Since the ad had a long running time it must have been somewhat effective. From the male perspective it is a comically dumb ad. But it probably appeals to romantic old ladies who then (gently) nag their husbands to try the product.
Typhoon johnnydoom According to MY wife, every woman she knows hates sex. So that argument goes nowhere in my house.