johnnydoom If you could watch just a bit of it you might be able to answer this question......are there killers of the LVs, or are the killers LVs??

Such (possible) intrigue.....and inquiring minds....


    Are Lesbian Vampires different than BGQT Vampires? I had no idea that gender identity issues had infected the vampire community. Next it will be Zombies. Geez. 🙄

      sdandrea1 Not to spoil the plot, but I looked it up on the IMDB. Apparently lesbian vampires steal the young virgins away from the village, which leaves the men a bit distraught. They send two young men out to investigate. The movie ends with a gay werewolf. That’s as close to this movie from 2009 as my faith will let me get. 🧐

      Yipsy who was allegedly "oiled"

      Thank you. Now what the hell is "oiled"?


      Holy shit. I'm glad I don't (well, didn't) know about this. WTF is wrong with people? I'm such a geezer. Head back in sand.

      Seems national enquirer worthy, if that.


      If you're famous, it's not safe to go anywhere people have mobile device cameras. So basically you have to stay home.

        johnnydoom I get doing sting videos to expose government agencies or government funded entities, but I really don't understand a sting video targeting an NFL team exec. Is this a John Gruden revenge hit or something?

        If it's illegal to record a phone conversation without the person's agreement how can this be legal? I hope he sues the crap out of them.

          The laws in some states only require one party to know and approve of a recording.

          Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.

          Yipsy Why does everything people suggest will solve world issues benefit the people who suggest them financially?

          C'mon now. I've been saying that bacon could bring world peace and I'm no pig farmer. I'm calling "not me" on this one!😂