Rickochet sdandrea1 How many times did I tell you to get the ones with fruit/berries in them? Raspberry, peach, strawberry, blueberry,.......c'mon man!😉 Hey Steve, cut me some slack. I'm a yogurt newbie. 😜
Rickochet azgreg I keep putting too much mayo in my tuna fish. Better than putting any Miracle Whip in it. 🤮 We had Costco Kirkland white albacore tuna today for lunch sammich's. Best tuna we have ever eaten.
sdandrea1 Typhoon Quite funny actually There's no earthly way getting hit in the mouth with dog shit is funny.......
Par4QC sdandrea1 Esp. if you've ever been shit on by a horse. While sitting behind it traveling about 20 mph. 🤬 Then again...dog shit is mainly solid. So, not a big deal. Says a man that used to travel at 20 mph. While sitting behind a horse. 😄
azgreg sdandrea1 There's no earthly way getting hit in the mouth with dog shit is funny....... Well, not funny for the guy getting hit. Everyone else? Maybe..........
Typhoon sdandrea1 There's no earthly way getting hit in the mouth with dog shit is funny It was pretty much a “bang bang “ play. I may tell the story in a while.
sdandrea1 Walterjn SWMBO told me we she they were interested during the development/testing but we decided not to partner. Navy used 2 US contractors to build the prototypes. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_070116-N-7676W-002_Dr._Elizabeth_D%27Andrea,_Office_of_Naval_Research_Code_352_Program_Manager,_right,_discusses_the_Electromagnetic_Railgun_(EMRG)_program_with_Rear_Adm._William_E._Landay,_Chief_of_Naval_Research,_prior.jpg #IMarriedUp ❤️