Typhoon Par4QC Whatever happened to just finding the best actors for the job? Or the best employees for the job🙄
mulegolf We had enough Canadian wild fire smoke here this morning that it effected my breathing on my first nine this morning here in SW MN. By the time I finished my second 9 it was getting better and now it's pretty nice out. The smoke has pretty much dissipated. It's 84° with very light wind of less than 5 mph. Almost a perfect summer day.
Rickochet Par4QC So smoky here it's almost like a light fog. In KY today a clear blue sky looked yellow all day and is supposed to be worse tomorrow with very bad air conditions.
Spuzz Rickochet I think the bag is enjoying it a little too much. It's the wheels that make it irresistible. It's just asking for it...
azgreg Par4QC I've never been given a ticker tape parade. Go to New Orleans. You can have a parade for any reason any time. You will need a permit but they're super easy to get. https://nola.gov/parades-second-line-race/
sdandrea1 Par4QC My life has been useless. Of all the members of all my golf forums, you are most certainly one of them.......❤️
Eguller Par4QC Will never understand the fascination people have with Long Drive comps. There is a rush if you are competing that is hard to describe. As an observer, your mileage may vary. It is fun to see one really mashed (as you should be well aware) 🏌😉