Par4QC It's a fucking job you were hired to do. You tackled the QB?'s what you were hired to do, and not a big deal at all, and you are an asshole because you did not help him up, instead of flexing and showboating like a 'tarded MMA fighter. You caught the ball?.....well, you better, or you're going to get fired....get back to work instead of looking like a damn headless chicken.
I blame Mark Gastineau. He was one of the first that I remember, getting up and running around like an idiot after he FINALLY gets a sack. No class bullshit. You're grown fucking men, being paid insane $ to be world class athletes, not braggards. Just do your job, help your teammates AND your opponents up off the ground, go back to the huddle and celebrate in the locker room. I could not coach these guys.......