Rickochet Typhoon Has anyone noticed the insane amount of commercials on TV lately? I have a couple of streaming channels that I pay extra to get the ad free version. I hate getting hooked on a movie and the longer it drags on the closer the commercials get and there are more of them. It stretches a 2 hour movie into 3. 😡
sdandrea1 Product packaging can be annoying. Especially batteries bought at wholesale clubs. They want you to buy this shit, but they make it a pain in the ass to get it out of the cardboard-backed molded plastic safe.
sdandrea1 Typhoon Rip it open, fuckin batteries go all over the fuckin counter and floor. Great package for shipping, storage and store display. Total pain in the ass for the consumer.
Rickochet sdandrea1 Rip it open, fuckin batteries go all over the fuckin counter and floor. I keep a box cutter on my desk and carefully use it to slice open the plastic. I guess these packages are designed to be difficult to open to discourage shoplifters in the store.
johnnydoom I am not an orderly person and also have a very poor sense of touch/feel. Yet I still love the game of golf and attempt to play it for some reason.
Rickochet Who is the scariest person to pop up on the internet Al Sharpton or Hilary? Also, Hilary is still a cunt.
johnnydoom Did Ye and Kyrie jump into an SUV and plow through a crowd outside of a synagogue or something? I can't turn on ESPN and watch anything sports related lately as these two seem to be getting 24/7 coverage.
Par4QC 11/7/2022 Best Buy Black Friday has started. Walmart Black Friday has started. Overstock.com Black Friday has started. Maple Hill Golf Black Friday has started. It is Tuesday. Friday to most retail outlets. Shoot me now.
sdandrea1 johnnydoom Maybe. But why should anyone care? Exactly. I have to literally stop looking at news and many social media sources. Just Golfbuzz, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Golfworks, Guitar Center, Amazon.
Bravopilot sdandrea1 Have to admit if asked I'd call GolfBuzz Social Media. Not really sure what is defined as Social Media nowadays
sdandrea1 Bravopilot Have to admit if asked I'd call GolfBuzz Social Media. Not really sure what is defined as Social Media nowadays Correct. I'll amend my post
Rickochet I am so tired of Kathy Lee promoting the Fruit and Veggie caps. I'll bet her Va Va Voom smells like sea bass.
Bravopilot Rickochet Not just her, all their ads. Throw in Pillow man and Nugenix. Only can assume people buy the stuff to fund the commercial. Same with some charities.