KCee Typhoon If you get my life you don't get to play anymore. I don't need to play more I just need to play better 😉
Typhoon Walterjn garyt1957 I love Lays potato chips!! Meh… Sneakylong can attest to Cape Cod Potato chips being awesome. Lays are like any store bought brand to me. Cape Cod Chips… goodness
garyt1957 Walterjn I love Lays potato chips!! Ugh, you need to try a real potato chip. I'll send you some Better Made
Rickochet Typhoon Gonna put my life up for sale on FB Marketplace. There will be no inquiries. Just run off and join the circus.
sdandrea1 Typhoon Gonna put my life up for sale on FB Marketplace. There will be no inquiries. $12 shipped?
LBlack14 Sonic double cheeseburger= best cheeseburger ever. Fries/reheated in a microwave taste like Coney Chef, 1970-1980something. Best fries ever.
Typhoon LBlack14 I liked going to Sonic when we had one. Never could afford the burgers. Always got ice cream. Jesse would always get a Coney dog
LBlack14 Typhoon I liked going to Sonic when we had one. Never could afford the burgers. Always got ice cream. Jesse would always get a Coney dog Wait, WHAT?? The footlong is killer. SONIC BLAST w/Heath or Butterfinger.
mulegolf Mattyv When I die I want to be cremated and have my ashes sent to the Summers Eve factory and thrown into the mix. A friend of mine used to have a band called Summer's Eve. Every gig they would introduce themselves by saying, "Hello and welcome. We're Summer's Eve... and we had the name first." It always brought a chuckle from the crowd.