ode What happened to Wyndham?

the I'm playing like sh1t WDπŸ€”

Maybe. I'm sure there will be an official, by the PGA rules WD reason so no fine. πŸ€”πŸ™„

  • ode replied to this.
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    Eguller official, by the PGA

    like my parents named me Wyndham and I need to WDπŸ€ͺ

    While the coverage is nice ...no Straka...very little Glover. I get it show JT, but sheesh, plenty of dead time!

    Whoa.....helluva putt on #17

    I thought the bird was gonna keep it inπŸ™ƒ

    Will Zalatoris just gave back 9 strokes in the last 5 holes. Quad, par, double, double, bogey. He's seen my video.

      Spuzz Bethpage is going to be extra cruel to Rory now, after this dick move. jmo

      Well deserved. "Let me see your phone". Hope he shoots 5 over tomorrow.

      ode Rory gag. Rickie a new term for gag!

      Both these guys look miserable most of the time, especially Puma boy.

      • ode replied to this.

        Why is Sam Ryder wearing "floods"? Same with JT.
        Did it rain a lot there? lol


        Spuzz i like em both, but then I'm a glutton for punishment on the weekendπŸ€’

        I hated the live TV coverage by CBS (?) on Sat and Sun. They had the "canned" crowd noise turned on that drove me nuts. It's as bad ad the blimp engines droning or that one banner towing aircraft that seems to follow the tour. 🀬