Bravopilot Walterjn It is all about looking out the window thinking about what the poor people are doing. Then remembering I was living on an Air Force salary and was one of the poor people. Couldn't afford crayons.
Bravopilot Eguller Hopefully my bribe shows up by then providing relief of the national GN shortages and quickly forget any, if any, putting woes. Besides, might be they didn't mow & roll the greens. He does have another in FL.
Spuzz Eguller Waiting for the post round report with the spectacular, OMG, Holy Grail putter today He's tired. Had to attend a certain type of "parade" for it.
sdandrea1 Eguller Waiting for the post round report with the spectacular, OMG, Holy Grail putter today. Just got home. I made every putt I should have made and a few I shouldn't have. This baby is the schizzle! Works even better in gayazz BLUE!
Eguller Bravopilot He does have another in FL. But - it's not blue and it is an unhappy second fiddle.
sdandrea1 Bravopilot Hopefully my bribe shows up by then providing relief of the national GN shortages and quickly forget any, if any, putting woes. Besides, might be they didn't mow & roll the greens. He does have another in FL. Got these today. Origin was Amazon Fullfillment Center so I can't really tell who sent them?? ๐
Sparky Dang, 290 posts in 5 days. This is "Launcher for Clowns Only" territory. I hope I get as much joy when I put the Scooty Cameroon putter in play for the 1st time today.
Eguller Sparky Dang, 290 posts in 5 days. This is "Launcher for Clowns Only" territory. We're trying to offset 'that other' thread with some golf talk.... ๐
Bravopilot Subsonic Not exactly showing a great deal of support for your fellow Buzzard. Beginning to think you are working with another non helper--Eguller here. Not feeling the love.๐ค
Eguller Subsonic He's probably still on the practice green, grinding his teeth, smoke coming from the ears.... ๐คฌ
Bravopilot Subsonic My point. You should be more encouraging on this effort. Your encouragement helps PapaD and me--two Buzzards.๐ค
Eguller sdandrea1 his baby is the schizzle! Are you familiar with the 'Honeymoon' concept as it pertains to equipment ? New name for this beauty - Schizzle ? ๐คช
Eguller sdandrea1 How is that OMG Holy Grail blue beauty doing ? Behaving ? Still in the bag ? Inquiring minds.... ๐
Sarnella sdandrea1 One has to be really, really careful on what one posts on this forum or more shit like this is going to keep happening.
Bravopilot sdandrea1 Apparently you are well appreciated for surviving the extreme national shortage. No more bribes as the shortage appears to be in recess. Happy putting Steve. Lots of HOing when you guys come north.
Eguller sdandrea1 One heck of a bribe. What is that - like 12 boxes ? Gonna take more than that to ward off the Ho-ing urges. ๐คจ
Sparky sdandrea1 A whole box full of Grape Nuts? Wow! That stuff is dense, that box probably weighed 240 lbs.
rsvman2 Nice job painting the grail putter, unc! Looks good, makes putts, and irritates spuzz! What's not to like?