We just received an alert that our energy company needs to implement rolling blackouts here this afternoon. NEVER in living in KS for over 40 years has this happened, even in the summer when everybody has electric air conditioners.
Serious question: Our energy company brags about having more than 60% of their power now supplied by wind farms and solar fields they've built and own and the resultant rank of being the #1 state in the country in pct of renewable energy they use. They have been shutting down the nuclear power plant they co-own and shutting down coal-fired plants. Could these black-outs be a result of not being able to generate power to meet emergencies like we enjoyed with the old traditional sources? It's not like we can tell Mr. Sun to start shining or create wind with the snap of a finger.
This is eye-opening to our state's residents that just took our old reliable electric company for granted. The energy company's website has crashed now as I suspect pissed off consumers not used to -1* temps in the middle of the afternoon are voicing their ire.
Edit to tag @Sparky I think this is right up his alley.