So, I haven't been much into golf for the past 10-12 months. On nice days I would choose between golf (mostly alone) or fishing (mostly alone). I pretty much chose fishing, as it was free and I could leave anytime!
However, Friday I finally decided to head out to the course. I asked for a small bucket and 9 hole cart, only to be informed the range was closed due to rain the night before! So I headed to #1 with no warm up and not having hit a ball in about 8 months. I sliced the first shot, but took a breakfast ball and sliced it as well but not as badly. I think I deserved a redo! Then I bladed the approach into the uphill slope in front of the green and got up and down for par.
Hole #2 was a slice with the driver, but I found it and had a punch toward the green. Made a good shot, just short but mishit the chip and 2 putted for bogey. Sliced the tee shot on a Par 3 and again did not get up and down for another bogey.
Hole 4 Par 5, hit a short drive in the fairway. Second shot with 3W felt good but immediately lost it in the cloudy sky, no idea where it went. Dropped and hit a yellow ball to hopefully see it and did down the right side. Found the first one just right of the fairway 40 yds out. Made a really good half swing approach and left myself with a 20 ft uphiller for birdie which I missed short left. Par.
Another par 3 I severely sliced right and bogeyed. Next hole was another Par 5. At this point I have figured out I have been pulling my head up and spinning out causing the slices. I concentrate on head down through the swing and hit a good drive, end up 245ish out and have to carry water short. Pull 3W again and make a great pass ended just right in 2. got up and down for my first birdie of the year. Next hole I blade a PW long left then chunk the wedge shot and 3 putt for double.....
#8 shortish Par 5, hit a short drive off the heel but in play. Hit 2h high and right into pine trees. I have a line to the hole and hit a punch gap wedge off the pine straw that lands just short and rolls in for Eagle!
Last hole I again hit a Baby Huey fade right under a cedar tree. Hit the best iron shot of the day onto the green 20 ft short of the hole. Make the uphill right to left putt for birdie and card a +1 37.
I never knew golf was this easy! I should just quite my teaching job and go Pro!