I draw a line through the logo on the ball and line up 2 outta 3 putts on every green, I garbage pick, I buy and drive used vehicles with high miles and have car payments below my mortgage, I play clubs with dents, I haggle, I drank cheap beer, I buy discount clothes and shoes from Burlington and the thrift store, my Mom is my best friend, I'll wear a T-shirt on the golf course if allowed, I use iron covers and listen to music when I play/ed, I don't hesitate to tell my wife she's full of shit and wrong when warranted, I don't like mustard on anything, but cheese coneys, I wear flip flops and even own/wear sandals to play golf in at times, I'll call a spade a spade, my dog ain't got no pedigree, my cats are rescues, I work for less than I'm worth because I enjoy it (mostly), I wear ball caps and am picky about it, I won't wear jean shorts, but wear shorts year round EXCEPT for work due to weather, I won't wear "muscle shirts" or "wife beaters", I try to avoid snobby people, I love and listen to metal music, but am very diverse , I don't like wine or craft "beer", I don't like bourbon unless it's flavored, I don't like whiskey, I hate brussel sprouts, I have a biracial family, I cuss A BUNCH, I'm not a proud man, but I have my limitations and try to know them, I'm falling apart physically and if I knew I was gonna live this long I doubt I'd have done anything different, I try to type how I talk, I'm neither a repub or dem, and last but not least, I wouldn't be caught dead in crocs, but HEY! That's just me.😁
There, "if that ain't country I'll kiss your ass".