azgreg Par4QC I also wear cargo shorts and my shirttail out when playing. And a trucker hat. Suck on it! I don't have a problem with any of that.
Par4QC azgreg It truly does affect some players lives. If, you read other golf boards. We are a conglomeration of slobs here. 😁
Par4QC Subsonic You're right, I see it now, in front of the house. Houses do not belong in this thread, to repeat myself.
sdandrea1 I should know better than to start a thread with you hooligans. This is why we can't have nice things........
Walterjn Just the fact that all you hooligans are the way you are makes me love this place! I feel at home here! Love you guys (no homo).
mikeintopeka Par4QC - I learned a long time ago not to try to break-up a new "hookup". I can wait until the fire and the passion is gone. Then when you are tired of those bitches, I'll help to eliminate them from your life. I'm here if you need me.
Par4QC Why is that house pic still here after supper? Blatant threadjack!! something. Earn yer keep dammit.
toraider Eguller Agreed, so much so that I even picked up a 7W to go with the set. Just need to put a shaft in it...