Typhoon I thought we were talking Ellen from “The Ellen Show”.

Wouldn't that Ellen have to change to a female?

    CPFitness didn't you come from FGI? I remember some big to do about you or what you posted. Anybody remember? A troll?

      scotts33 CPFitness didn't you come from FGI? I remember some big to do about you or what you posted. Anybody remember? A troll?

      Reminds me of Toulon. Obsessive posting on the COVID thread and zero posting about any golf-related topics.

        sdandrea1 Reminds me of Toulon. Obsessive posting on the COVID thread and zero posting about any golf-related topics.

        If he starts doing grammar nanny when his point of argument goes south I suspect Putnfool is back.

          Rickochet If he starts doing grammar nanny when his point of argument goes south I suspect Putnfool is back.

          PutnFool is back = meagain

            sdandrea1 - No Sir. PuttnFool isn't on this site any longer under any aliases. We're in contact with each other on occasion to eventually put together a round of golf when I'm in the OKC area. He found a new landing spot on another forum he's invited me to join too but I haven't looked at it.


              I know there is a Puttnfool on The Hackers Paradise but I don’t know if it’s him. Just seems to post about golf stuff.

                It would be interesting to see any female kickers need to do this after the kick:

                Spuzz - I found it in an old email. TheHackersParadise.com. I just opened it for the first time and did a quick search for posts by "puttnfool" but it didn't return any results. Last time I checked life was good for him and he was still working as a civilian on one of the military bases in the OKC area.


                  might be “OGputtnfool”... I forget. I don’t go on there often, too much of a “suck up” forum. I just know that name is on there. I think the OG part starts it. He could have changed the spelling too but there is one there.

                  Yea, I saw that too. I think it's him seems to be about the right age.

                  If you fit in @ THP, that's not saying much. That place is worse than WRX by far and the cocksucking and ass kissing that goes on there is unrivaled and, gawd forbid, you have a different opinion than theirs. It's right up there with the hate spewed by a few here for the same thing.


                    100% right. It’s amazing the degree of sucking up. They all jockey for position for the outings the manufacturers have for them. I’ve said truthfully bad things about clubs and nobody says a word about what I wrote, and they just keep trying to out accolade the next guy.
                    WRX is not a bunch of suck ups and ass kissers, they are just a bunch of people who pretend to be good and think that by buying and selling top end equipment that they are good players.