Dufferman What president has been found to have a secret, long ago closed, Chinese bank account?!!?!
Fixed it for you, and truth.
Dufferman Taxes????
Which, imo, is really no one's business but his. Plus, having had a business, prior in life, I do know he was paying in(most likely millions) per quarter. Then, his returns that everyone is fussing over, shows he paid $750. Was that the balance he owed, after sending in the quarterly amounts? But that is not the important part, now is it? And how is that anyone knows a $750 figure, if his returns have not been brought forward? Because somebody "said so"??
He does not even know what the $750 was for; he thought it was maybe for 'filing fees', lol. This is a man that clearly has no idea about his taxes, from that statement, yet is jumped on when he says his accountants tell him he is under audit & his returns cannot be released.