I don’t necessarily agree with you, I think Bryson is the one who could be that guy. His relentless pursuit of perfection will be enough to keep him trying to be the best and that’s where most of the young guys are different. The difference between good and great is the mindset. He has it, not saying he will be that guy, but somebody will come along that will. Before Tiger there was never going to be another Jack, before Kobe, never another Jordan, before Lebron, never another Magic Johnson, they may not have quite equaled their idols because of increased competition, but those guys came with the killer instincts to reach greatness.
Your theory is spot on for most of the young guns. Spieth, never had the the true long game or even a good, short game, but had an incredible putting run. Rory, already proved his mind isn’t focused on the sport. DJ could have been dominant, but Coke won. Koepka only seems to care about majors, most of the others just aren’t good enough.