azgreg That meme has a recent link to an interesting battle on twitter between Neil deGrasse Tyson and Steak-umm. Steak-um is a great follow on Twitter by the way.
sdandrea1 Rickochet Yep. I had to take my drivers license test in 1965 in a 1960 Chevy station wagon that must have been 40' long and did not have power steering. Parallel parking was a challenge. My test was in a 1960 Rambler station wagon. No power steering, but at least it had a "modern" push-button automatic xmission.
Rickochet sdandrea1 My test was in a 1960 Rambler station wagon. I had a 1962 Rambler American convertible. Looked like a cheese box. 🤣
Spuzz Still waiting on a Grape Nuts study but early returns for men indicate they begin the switch to women's golf clubs at some point in their 60's and lay up on all Par 5's. 😉
Rickochet Spuzz Still waiting on a Grape Nuts study but early returns for men indicate they begin the switch to women's golf clubs at some point in their 60's and lay up on all Par 5's. 😁
Spuzz Bravopilot another Spuzzervation no, we have at least one member here still in trials. The WITB thread don't lie...