KCee Spuzz Hey c'mon, Fowler doesn't suck until the weekend. Although Finau is stealing his thunder lately.
Spuzz azgreg Not when you pick him LOL I like him (nice white cardigan this week) so I will not pick him but silently root for him. Same with Rory now. From now on I will pick Bryson DeBoob.
Eguller Spuzz Same with Rory now. From now on I will pick Bryson DeBoob. Careful...Rory may have heard you dissing your pick. 🤣
Spuzz Eguller ..Rory may have heard you dissing your pick I don't care anymore. LOL I made my pick before I saw he was paired with Tiger. He sucks every-single-time he plays in the same group.
sdandrea1 Fowler, WTF? C'MON MAN! Phil, please lose the stupid glasses and the chewing gum. Please......
Spuzz sdandrea1 Phil, please lose the stupid glasses I saw a post he made on Twitter (assume it's him) saying he gets 5 mil to endorse them and the haters can deal with that. FIGJAM lives!