• Equipment
  • Can someone tell me who manufactured this putter?

I was cleaning out my fathers house after he passed on recently and found his old golf clubs, in his bag he had this copper putter, I can not read the samll print under the logo and was curious if anyone could help me out. I did clean it up using a copper cleaner to which it shined up very nice but I still cannot read it. I even picked up his magnifying glass and could not make out much of the words. Thank you for any help you can give.
image /assets/images/0-231-UYzNwRFjH23ZbmB6.jpg

    Any marking on the sole ?
    It looks like a copy of Ping Anser.

    Try rub ash from the fire place on the marking, it'll show more detail.

    There are no other markings than what are shown here. I believe the second word is "castings" at the very bottom. No fireplace here to use.

    I'm with logicalone Craft Cast Investment Castings

    I think you maybe right, I did a little Google search and don't see much info as they appear to have been bought out and merged with another company. I have sent them an email, lets see if they reply and can shed some light on this putter. Thank you all for your help. I will let you know whet they say if they respond.