Par4QC ValueGolf I never checked the map, but is that whole route from Warrendale-Uniontown through Amish country, where it would move by horse/buggy only? Sundays excluded.
johnnydoom USPS actually got a switch to me 5 days after I ordered it from Utah. Two actually. Unfortunately neither were the switch I ordered. 😞 Not USPS fault this time - but I felt like whining about it anyway. 😢
Par4QC So, I wake up to a shocker..."Out for Delivery!" Can't wait to see condition of box. Also, more good USPS news(when there is any these days) Package crossed into Canada, after an 8 day trek. Life is good. As always. 😉
Par4QC Spuzz Believe it or not, when I was doing a lot of Ebay selling a few years ago, I'd get boxs delivered up there in just 2-3 days. Delivered! Had the same luck all over the world in fact. Even now, 8 days crossing the border is damn good, imo.
Spuzz Par4QC Believe it or not Proximity to a busy hub near the border helps, as well as being close to Mississauga sorting office on this side, which is actually the customs warehouse too, if I remember correctly. Parcels used to be scanned on one side and passed across the floor in no time, in minutes in some cases, according to tracking. Shipped overnight to local PO and on the truck for delivery the next day. I can see my local PO from my apt window. Big truck rolls in around 4 am and little one rolls out around 8am lol
toraider Spuzz Proximity to a busy hub near the border helps, as well as being close to Mississauga sorting office on this side Only problem is that place is a breeding ground for COVID now. They are in the news now for not managing it well. I guess we will see if they impact deliveries in the near term.
Spuzz toraider Only problem is that place is a breeding ground for COVID now. ya, too many of them demo'ing clubs now, the bastages! 😉
Dufferman I gotta give USPS some props. My dryer heating element went out Friday afternoon. Ordered a new ono from Amazon with 2 day shipping. It actually arrived Sunday around 1pm. I didn't have much hope when I saw the USPS tracking number, but they came through this time!
Par4QC Dufferman I can say, Amazon deliveries are never late, and sometimes early. Never....late, in the past 1 year. Funny thing is....they are always delivered by the same company who's motto is "Due to COVID......", USPS. Why is that possible????
mikeintopeka Par4QC Why is that possible???? I've thought for a long time that USPS sold their sole out to the Amazon devil to get a big share of their business. And I truly believe they prioritize their Amazon deliveries to keep them happy. I know Trump railed on the deal those 2 have, even saying it was a money loser to USPS, but can you imagine how dire their financials would look if Amazon takes a walk?
Par4QC Clubs are in hand and beautiful, with no signs of damage. Seller knows how to package his products!! I also got a package from UPS. Ordered yesterday afternoon. When I checked tracking this a.m., it said..."label created", 2/2/2021. Then...... "Out for delivery". 😲 And it's on the counter now.
sdandrea1 Par4QC Clubs are in hand and beautiful, with no signs of damage. WITB PICS ARE REQUIRED WITH NO HORSES.
sdandrea1 My Big Berthas showed up yesterday in 3 days. Granted, they shipped/received within Florida, but my last USPS Florida shipment went up to Atlanta and then back down to Florida. Inconsistent is the word.
Par4QC mikeintopeka UPS states that over 13% of their biz last year was from Amazon. Mine always come through USPS, and on Sundays, many times.
Par4QC From my house to Canada, delivered, USPS, in 10 days. Right on schedule. BTW, shipping costs to there are just plain nasty. 2#= $41. 😲 But, 4# was only $44!! FYI
mulegolf I can't really complain about USPS, UPS or FedEx. I had a package put on a porch a block up the street one time (new driver for UPS) but nothing else worth mentioning. My USPS mailman and the UPS guy even automatically put my stuff in our garage if it looks like it's going to rain shortly or is raining or extremely windy and the package it lightweight. I think the difference is that I live in a very small town (2000-2100 people) and everyone knows everyone and the UPS facility for the area is also in our town so most of the drivers also live here.
Eguller USPS still has issues. I've had packages from Amazon (not Prime) arrive in half the time as standard Priority Mail. Are they pushing the Amazon packages along faster than their own Priority ? Sure seems like it from my mail box. I'm been waiting for a package that is 45 miles from me for 4 days. Grrrrr.
Par4QC Eguller Could be due to the fact that Amazon has about 138 more planes in the sky than does USPS. USPS has zero, btw. They depend on passenger airlines or contracted flights. Amazon owns their fleet.