That's the real version of golf right there. I can count on one hand the number of golfers I have played with that were as long or longer than me off the tee, but i lost count long ago of the guys that think they hit it 300 yards. Truth be told, I have played with probably 5-10 guys that are in the 280 range on a fairly consistent basis, 2 that are near 300 on good shots and 1, yes 1 guy that hit the ball farther than I do off the tee, playing regular golf.
The guy was built like a brick outhouse and crushed everything long, he's the first and only guy I have seen hit one particular par 5 (dog leg at about 320 out on a 538 yard hole, massive trees protecting the corner and ponds all the way up the right) hit the green in two... with back to back hybrids 😂. Putting that in real perspective, I have hit that green in 2, 2 times ever, driver, 3 wood/hybrid... you can't cut the corner and the landing area usually funnels you to the rough, with a down hill lie. I've played the hole 100+ times, it's a 3 shot hole for any mortal. I have learned to play conservative off the tee, play out to the "2nd" corner of the dog leg ( the area where you can actually see a round the trees) and play in from there.
Anyway, the whole point I was trying to get at here, the average guy hits it 220-235 off the tee, the longer hitter gets to 250 and most everyone else thinks too highly of their ability. Weirfan slaps the ball out there in the 280-300 range when he's feeling it and he can get both feet fully off the ground on follow through.. he's been probably the longest, not the tallest, I have played with in a long time. There is no way the average guy swings at 100 mph... these freaks at 150 are crazy. The very best I ever got was in the mid 130's with ld equipment. It would be like comparing the highscool football star to the best in the NFL, I can't imagine adding that much speed, good gawd.