We all go through valleys. Maybe it's the loss of a loved one, or the passing of a dear friend, or having a child move thousands of miles away and not being prepared to deal with that situation as a parent.
I've had three dear people in my life pass away over the past year. Two golf buddies, and my father who passed just a month ago. As much as we want to think that we're resilient and impenetrable emotionally - sometimes it's just not that easy.
Having people you can count on, in the backdrop providing love and encouragement and assuredness means everything. That one word... assuredness. It's the hardest. Because sometimes we just aren't emotionally equipped to deal with things and see the bigger and brighter picture, that everything is gonna work out. It's human nature.
But my wife of 29 years, who has been my support system throughout the past 29 years (but especially the past year), is the reason I want to keep going forward, want to move beyond the sad feelings and keep moving ahead.
This one is for her. She's been my rock. When I found her 29+ years ago - I found out what true love really means. And it took a while for me to figure that out. Too many years to be honest. But better late than never!
She just gets better with age.