Typhoon You use the term "picked", do you do this by hand with a shag bag thingy?

    Bravopilot Typhoon You use the term "picked", do you do this by hand with a shag bag thingy?

    2 of us used shags bags, one guy driver the “picker “cart. We only have one cart, He can’t go everywhere with it because it’s so wet. So we call using the shag bags “handpicking”. There are a million balls in the woods down the left side where the net is mostly down but there is so much brush the balls just stay there.

    Day off today. Poop detail also in the yard before the snow comes tomorrow. Go get gas, then paint trim all day.

    Trip to courthouse to pay a ticket for seatbelt violation. I was wearing the seatbelt, told the officer he was making a mistake, and was very respectful and courteous. My reward for abiding by the law, telling the truth, and not being argumentative… being called a liar (basically) and a ticket. I could have fought it, but I figured the tiny fine wasn’t worth the hassle and I probably would have lost anyway. Just pisses a guy off.

      Natpharm You have to go to the courthouse to pay even though you're accepting the ticket? Around here you can mail in the fine for minor stuff and you only go to the courthouse if it's a larger offense or you want to contest it.

        KCee I chose to do it this way, but could have mailed it in or paid online.

        Still priming trim. Should finish in an hour thank God. Then I can start painting tomorrow during the snow storm.

        You could always show for court in hopes the cop doesn't make it.....the violation gets cancelled then.

          That option was tempting, but I decided to just get it over with instead of stewing on it until the court date

            Dog walks, charity pickup/dropoff, shovelling snow, light exercise ... be glad when this winter's over. Hasn't been too bad weather wise, just seems to be dragging by ...

            Today was more barn stuff. Seeing as how last night we had a low of 26, I had 6 short hair show horses in blankets and locked in their stalls with heat lamps on, and a few hoses on at a trickle. Well, this morning I had to go let all of them out of their stalls, most kept the blankets on; and turn off the hoses and heat lamps. Tonight, it's supposed to get back down to about the same temps so it's a repeat of last night.
            After my barn duties this morning, I hit a driving range and worked on my swing. When I just swing the clubs, and not try to help it along everything is good. When I try to help it along, then I start topping, and sending balls every where. I did have more than a few really nice ones with my 7 iron that I just tried to swing faster, not try to help it along, just swing a hair faster through the ball...

            After that, boss asked me to get more alfalfa, grass, and grain. Then it was hang out with a couple of buddies for a few hours.
            Tomorrow, I'm planning on going around twice. I did promise the boss a taco, so I'll probably have to go deliver that and then head back for my second time around...

            Natpharm I hate to admit it, but one of the most amusing times of people watching was when I went to court to contest a ticket. Wasn't really worth taking a half day off, but you get to see some funny stuff. When I retire I might go once in a while just for fun lol.