KCee Where'd you get those? They are fancy!!!

YourProGolfShop, based in Louisville. If you only get extenders you can select $2.75 USPS envelope shipping. He has an EBAY shop also. I have seem them on EBAY and other websites as well. Quick shipping. Scroll down under "Description" for more info. One thing the info sheet says that the online doesn't is regarding length. Online it recommends 2" max extension for "swinging clubs." The info sheet says 2" max for S and X flex clubs, 2 1/2" for R flex, and 3" for A or L.


Rainy day, poop detail, then get some pension transfer shit notarized. Did my wife’s 401k rollover since were both out of real jobs. He a few putts downstairs, played the piano.

Reactivated SiriusXM. This time I also downloaded the app for my iPad and iPhone. Currently listening to the Hour long Dee Snider interview Eddie Trunk just did last month.

Cut the lawn and vacuum this morning and a Private course invite this afternoon. Hate to say no because its a good buddy, great course and free, however being the invitee I am somewhat obligated to buy a round of beers and pick up the apres golf eats and drinks tab, which will amount to more than the $150 guest green fee.

    Weirfan Have your wife call about the time the round ends and then say "guys I'm so sorry, but I have to go. You know how it is with the old ball & chain". Maybe throw them a few bucks for the 1st round and then you cut and run πŸ˜€


      ha !

      I have been working on a plan, it is legit....i have two senior dogs and have said I will drive myself and leave after the round early to get back to feed and let them out. I will buy a couple rounds on the course and leave after. Obviously will offer to pay for the round but it is always met with a no. I treat him at my course but my guest rate is 1/4 of his .

        Weirfan I have been working on a plan, it is legit....i have two senior dogs and have said I will drive myself and leave after the round early to get back to feed and let them out. I will buy a couple rounds on the course and leave after. Obviously will offer to pay for the round but it is always met with a no. I treat him at my course but my guest rate is 1/4 of his .

        Cheap Ass Bastage. Love the free stuff, Eh?


          Who doesnt like free stuff ?

          but cheap...not at all which all the guys here who have played rounds with me at Desert Storm will hopefully attest to.....

          Its close buds, we Always offer to pay for the round, but the host says no, friends like having each other aroundπŸ™‚
          likewise I treat them when they play at my course, did for 3 buds on Monday

          buying two rounds of 4 beers will run $80 , I will treat him at my course a couple times this month so it will all balance out , plus I do all his clubwork for free so he is happy. Have 2 wedges to install kinnetix shafts in on the bench now to bring this aft.

            Weirfan buying two rounds of 4 beers will run $80

            That would be $10 per beer. Who in the hell drinks $10 beer?


              For a tall can of beer at a course up here it is $7-$10 a pop and you cannot bring your own. One of the members from this club was recently booted out for being caught doing that ( it was his 3rd strike)

              i believe at the course today it is $9 plus 13% tax plus tip (20% ) so ya adds up.
              $5 for a Poweaide so might as well have a beerπŸ˜‰

              go to a pro sports game in town and its closer to $20 for a large draft πŸ™

              Typhoon Boring times so maybe a highlight or 2. Usual hour workout at 9 am. Went out and swing the Superspeed clubs and my driver

              I had a good chuckle yesterday. I logged into the buzz on my phone which I don't often do. I saw the OP's first post with the tiny picture. It was too small and me without my readers and I couldn't identify the headcover so I thought it was a pic of Typhoon's yard with a few clubs and a big pile of dog poop which he so often references. 😁

                On my list today is to butt trim and grip some Cally Rogue X irons I extended. Using Winn Dri-tac jumbo LT grips. Then reshaft a Wishon HM sand wedge and a Spuzz special 18Β° Sooolong 450 driver. Also going to pull 3 Reid Lockhart wedges and two Tille wedges and stick them in the flea market.

                  Rickochet a Spuzz special 18Β° Sooolong 450 driver

                  Make sure you wear your safety goggles when you take it out to hit it.

                  Worked outside for a bit stacking brush/splitting wood with the dogs, came inside after a few hours as everything is too wet outside from rain yesterday and lack of sun today. I might trim the reshafted Wilson irons....I would rather play.

                  Pre-op physical, blood work, and a fun pre op covid test! Yay!


                    all the best with your surgery

                    the covid test is no big deal ( a few seconds of minor discomfort)

                    I have had 2 now.

                    Rickochet That would be $10 per beer. Who in the hell drinks $10 beer?

                    That's the Canadian beer price after all the taxes they pay to get free health care.

                      meagain That's the Canadian beer price after all the taxes they pay to get free health care

                      not quite


                      That is partially correct.
                      taxes are high in Canada for sure we have a harmonized sales tax of 13% on essentially everything we buy. Alcohol, Tobacco, gambling, cannabis products all have "sin" taxes applied to them . These , however are personal lifestyle choices and they all add to increased Health Care costs ....cancer, addiction other diseases so while we bitch about having to pay higher prices for booze ( and other things that are bad for you ) we are under no obligation to consume them and it is a means to get some money back into the coffers to help cover the added HC costs that might be attributed to these lifestyle choices. Personally, would love to see an obesity tax as well ( insurance companies charge higher premiums if you are fat, smoke, drink and generally unhealthy etc)

                      The other main reason for the price differential with the US, is our Federal and Provincial Governments regulate the minimum price that booze can be sold for ( in addition to additional taxes on booze, cigs, pot etc) . Some will argue this is them acting in a socially responsible fashion, others might disagree with that view.