colej 9 for me but I’m allergic to 3 of them.

If something tastes like shit, that's considered an allergy.................


    if I eat apples I will be on the floor curled up in the fetal position. The pain in my gut hurts so bad it’s unimaginable

      colej if I eat apples I will be on the floor curled up in the fetal position. The pain in my gut hurts so bad it’s unimaginable

      That's a damn shame. Including cooked/baked no pie or cobbler?

        sdandrea1 Including cooked/baked no pie or cobbler?

        My gut hurts like his...but before I eat any of it.

        colej yep none of it!

        oh, shit......................just kill me now. SWMBO's apple pie should be a national treasure. Sorry dude.

        Liver is the only one. Never have liked it and swore I’d never eat it again after leaving my parents house.

        I’ve never eaten a snail, but could be convinced to try. Mostly don’t like oysters, but have been served some in forms that taste good.