Don't know if anyone has seen this before. Saw one at a local course and it was pretty cool. Nice features and compact. The guy who invented it lives nearby as well.
The downside is the cost. At the course we were playing, it was $495.
TransRover Golf bag, push-cart
Yep, for sure. It was cool though.
SVonhof I do know the guy. Me. Lol. Thanks for sharing the news.
Rickochet Sorry about the price. I wish I can do better.
Par4QC Let's not forget the fact that it can do both jobs and can fold/unfold in seconds.
How is the price compared to it's competition?
Can't imagine these gizmos are cheap!
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I looked into a cg bag as I figured it would be set up for use on a push cart. Not the case, just like most cart (riding) bags the top slopes the wrong well in a riding cart but flip it around on a push cart and all the clubs are clanking on one another. I found a bag that had a more neutral top and even starts to slope the correct way-
Why on earth cg, a push cart company, made a bag designed for a riding cart is beyond me
I think it is just a cart/bag combo....not like Alphard or batcaddy/motor golf.....there are some really expensive ones too.
I like it. However, I would like to get a Rickshaw instead.
Welcome to the Buzz! You are local to me (I am in Manteca). I hear you are Elk Grove (or somewhere around there).
It's just a matter of time before we see similar designs coming from China at half the price.
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pellmell want the slope neutral or going the other way.
Here is a prime example of how it's a pita to switch from riding cart to push cart-
The organization of clubs is opposite and will clank on one another, and you are reaching thru or around clubs to get to irons/wedges. Even if one switched the clubs the correct way, the slope of the top should/could be more on downward angle from the front (pockets) of the bag to the handle on the push cart, so as to allow or at least encourage less contact between the longer clubs and wedges (think of rotating above bag 180*)