swinnea LBlack14 What's it mean when you try to like someone's reply and it won't let you? I've found that it means that I'm not actually logged in. I have to look in upper right corner to make sure.
Typhoon Yeah, not trying to upset anyone. Actually, come to think of it it was the private moderator forum. Anyway, who gives 2 shits....onward with the Buzz.
tlkerer Hey @jrock , nice to see ya back around.. and I think it's cool so see things come back around to this. Been a long strange trip..
Spartan tlkerer I like your avatar. It reminds me of the one you had on FGI. Glad to see you're still around.
tlkerer Spartan Gerry, nice to see you around here too. Haven't been golfing much due to back problems unrelated to golf.. but I'm getting the urge to play again.
FauxAmish tlkerer You need to come next year to the First Buzz Open. Coming to an as yet known location. 😎😨☝👀
tlkerer FauxAmish I'd love too. I've been to quite a few Desert Storms. @PA-PLAYA (Scott) and I went Golfbummin' in Ireland and Scotland. And there were the Melees in New Jersey a while back too. I'm looking forward to the next one I can go to.
PA-PLAYA tlkerer Couldn't have asked for better road buddies! Had the time of my life, and Owen - I'm still indebted to you! There are just some things in life you never forget. 🙂