They would go under because the Golf Channel doesn't see a good reason to keep paying the costs associated with hosting/maintaining the website. They get nothing out of it.

Aaron...Is it expensive to maintain a site? And how much approximately per month?

And what did they (GC) bring to the site: Nothing! Wierd.

    Bangoman If you ever bother to read the comments section on any of the articles published on you should be glad they ditched FGI.


    With a forum that has a good amount of traffic it can cost upwards of $500 a month. FGI didn't have much though, I can't imagine more than $100. But when they are making zero from it, no reason to keep it in the corporate mind.

    Then why did they buy it...NOT all that long ago? That tells me quite a bit on what to expect since they have purchased Pro LD! (i.e. LDA)

    That could be interesting....I don't know...just wait and see.


      It probably sounded like a good idea at the time. Like when TMAG bought Adams, maybe? Golf is declining lately, some forums will go down as well.

      Bangoman That tells me quite a bit on what to expect since they have purchased Pro LD! (i.e. LDA)

      Steve, you already know what to expect there. Writing is on the wall. Has been since the day they took over, imo.

      Kind of like asking what makes a club manufacture go under!

      The site sponsors also had a tech that watched the board for glitches. He worked a lot of hours during the transfer and if he's working many hours to this day, it's taking him off other company projects / assignments. And those guys aren't cheap.

      I fully assumed I'd be seeing something over there that generated revenue (advertising, subscription promotions, etc) but I have not. I HAVE started to receive golf related email pimping in my inbox recently from resorts, resellers, discounters, etc that I have never heard of before. Maybe they sold email addresses as I don't remember being given the opportunity to opt out or a privacy statement. But, anyone could be selling my email address too so I'm not saying it was them.

      So Oct 6th is the funeral, I read. Maybe we can keep this place ticking.

      Didn't FGI change hands more than once? Didn't the original owner sell it to Active a few years ago and then they sold it to the Golf Channel more recently? I think the larger social media sites like Facebook have taken a toll on the smaller sites like FGI. Plus as was mentioned golf is still on the decline.

      Golh channel bought Active Golf division, FGI was part of active golf. I donot believe there was any real interest in FGI from golf channel, it was just an asset of the division they purchased.